Webapp Bugs

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Webapp Bugs

Postby peterd » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:18 pm

Hi -

Two (three?) bugs I've encountered with the webapp:

First, I found that I had lost the ability to talk to my (Vista 50P) panel. After some troubleshooting, I found that the AD2USB's address had been changed (I'm using a keypad address of 02 rather than the AD default of 18). What had happened is that I'd inadvertently entered setup in the webapp. Finding no way to exit without going through all the screens, I had clicked "Next" until out. The webapp does not remember the previously entered keypad address, and instead always presents the default. As a result, I had changed my address to 18 without even realizing it.

So, really two bugs in my view. First, the lack of a "Cancel" option to exit setup early and/or without saving changes. Secondly, failing to remember (and present as my installation's current default) the previously entered keypad address. (Note that there may be some other "forgotten entries" such as network/serial or port number which I wouldn't happen to find if I had stuck with the out-of-the-box defaults.)

The other major bug I'm finding is that the display freezes when I'm at a certain point with the panel in program mode. Specifically, from the webapp I enter the installer code + 800 and the display updates to tell me I'm in programming mode. I then attempt to enter menu mode by keying in *93 (or #93 - same results). The * brings up the "Fill Field --" message (possibly not the exact text, I don't have it in fromt of me), the 9 is echoed on the display (in the rightmost position, replacing the dash). At that point the display freezes, showing "-9"

By telneting to ser2sock, I can see that keypresses are still being accepted, and that AD2USB is still seeing the panel output. However, the webapp display does not update. If I use the telnet session to exit the programming mode, the display will update once the panel "reboots."

A great app overall, so thanks! Hoping to get programming working on it so that I can take my "keypad" directly to each sensor/transmitter while enrolling RF units.

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Re: Webapp Bugs

Postby kevin » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:58 pm

Thanks for the reports. I will file the first one into the issue list at the office and hopefully get that squared away.

The second one - what kind of messages are appearing in telnet? In programming mode does your panel continue to display messages while waiting for input? If the message doesn't change then the display isn't updated - it could also be that it is a message type that is filtered out of the stream in the webapp that perhaps shouldn't be. We'll know more after you've confirmed the output via ser2sock while in programming mode waiting for input.
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Re: Webapp Bugs

Postby peterd » Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:42 pm

Kevin -

I've captured the telnet output from several paths through *93/#93 menu mode. I have not removed anything from within each excerpt. While the webapp display was frozen, I continued answering prompts using the webapp keypad while watching the telnet output. During this "frozen" time only every 2nd to 4th webapp keypress is sent (seen?) by the AD2USB!

Code: Select all
[000100010000--------],0da,[f707000000da800c08020000000000],"P1   DISARMED   Hit * for faults"
[100100010000--------],000,[f70800000000801c08020000000000],"GUEST HOUSE       READY TO ARM  "
[000100010000--------],100,[f70000000000800c080200000d0000],"SYSTEM  12      STATUS  NR      "
[000110010000--------],0ed,[f73f000000ed000048020000000000],"  Program Mode  Please Stand By "
[000110010000--------],000,[f70400000000800048020000000000],"Program Mode    * Fill # View-00"
[000110010000--------],000,[f70400000000800c48020000000000],"Enter Fill Field             -  "
[000110010000--------],090,[f70400000090800448020000000000],"Enter Fill Field             -9 "

******** Now the webapp display freezes, continuing to show the above message.

[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011f000d0000],"ZONE PROG. ?     1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"EXPERT MODE ?    1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"ALPHA PROG. ?    1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"DEVICE PROG. ?   1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"RELAY PGM ?      1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011f000d0000],"RLY VOICE DESCR  1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"CUSTOM INDEX     1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011f000d0000],"QUIT MENU MODE?  1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],000,[f70400000000800048021f00000000],"Program Mode    * Fill # View-00"

******** At this point the webapp display resumes, displaying the above message.

Here's an alternate path, where instead of exiting menu mode I answer yes to enter zone programming. After freezing at the same point, the only subsequent message displayed is the zone summary.

Code: Select all
[000110010000--------],0ed,[f73f000000ed000048020000000000],"  Program Mode  Please Stand By "
[000110010000--------],100,[f704000000008000480200000d0000],"Program Mode    * Fill # View-00"
[000110010000--------],000,[f70400000000800c48020000000000],"Enter View Field             -  "
[000110010000--------],090,[f70400000090800448020000000000],"Enter View Field             -9 "

******** At this point the webapp display is frozen.

[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011f000d0000],"ZONE PROG. ?     1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"Set to Confirm?  1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011e000d0000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       01"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       0 "
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011e00000000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       03"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048021e000d0000],"03  ZT P RC INL     01 1 03 HW1 "

******** At this point the webapp display resumes, displaying the above message.
******** I enter "#" to back out to the zone entry prompt.
******** The webapp display is once again frozen on the above message.

[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011e00000000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       04"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011f000d0000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       0 "
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011e00000000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       00"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"QUIT MENU MODE?  1=YES  0=NO   0"
[000110010000--------],100,[f70400000000800048021f000d0000],"Program Mode    * Fill # View-00"

******** At this point the webapp display resumes, displaying the above message.

Finally, here's an excerpt where instead of backing out after the zone summary I enter "*" repeatedly to step through the zone programming prompts, accepting each of the current values. This excerpt begins with the display frozen on the "Enter View Field -9 " message...

Code: Select all
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011e00000000],"Enter Zone No.  00=QUIT       03"
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048021e000d0000],"03  ZT P RC INL     01 1 03 HW1 "

******** At this point the webapp display resumes, displaying the above message.
******** I enter "*" to move forward to the next entry prompt.
******** The webapp display is once again frozen on the above message.

[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011e000d0000],"03 Zone Type    ENTRY/EXIT 1  01"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011f00000000],"03 Partition                   1"
[000110010000--------],193,[f704000000938000480114000d0000],"03 Report Code  1st 00 2nd 03 03"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048011b00000000],"03 Report Code  1st 00 2nd 03 0 "
[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048021b000d0000],"03 Report Code  1st 00 2nd 03 03"

******** The display resumes (unsure if before or after the !RFX msgs)
******** with the above message. I enter "*" to move forward to the next
******** entry prompt. The webapp display once again freezes,
******** continuing to show the above message.

[000110010000--------],193,[f70400000093800048011e000d0000],"03 Input Type   Hardwire      01"
[000110010000--------],093,[f70400000093800048021e00000000],"03  ZT P RC INL     01 1 03 HW1 "

******** Again the display resumes, but is stuck
******** on the above message until out of menu mode.

Hopefully this gives you enough to go on. I thought about adding screenshots, but since the messages are in the telnet stream verbatim decided there was no value add. Also, just to be thorough, let me state that I have no filtration of panel messages set up.

Please let me know if you need me to conduct further tests...

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Re: Webapp Bugs

Postby kevin » Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:56 pm

The webapp itself has filters on the message stream, it will likely need to be adjusted to incorporate the other messages - should be trivial i hope!

Thanks for the report
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