I've scoured these forums and have not found an answer I could understand.
I have a AD2PI bundle and have a static IP set through the router. Everything works fine but I can't figure out how to access from outside the home network.
I'm using NO-IP to set a static URL and I forwarded port 10000 to the assigned static IP but it doesn't work. Everything works fine on the LAN. I have a SFTP server running on the same URL sending videos if my Foscams trip so I know the NO-IP works.
Should I be using another port besides 10000?
I want to be able to ARM/DISARM using my cell. Is this possible?
I should point out that I am using a TP Link in bridge mode to an Airport Extreme. And to make it interesting, I also have an Envislink module plugged into the same bridge.
Thanks for the help.