WebApp Custom Notif.: "Invalid header value 'Basic Y...w==\n
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:43 am
I received the following error when clicking "Save & Test" for a WebApp Custom Notification to a device on my network that requires Basic Authorization:
"Error sending test notification: Invalid header value 'Basic Y...w==\n'"
The notification uses a urlencoded GET with Basic Authorization and without SSL. The device I'm attempting to notify is an ISY-994i home automation controller.
A blog unrelated to AlarmDecoder products identifies the following cause for a similar error ("ValueError: Invalid header value 'Basic T...4=\n'"): "You can't have a new line character \n at the end of your header. Instead of using base64.encodestring, use base64.b64encode."
(see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/398 ... 2-7-update )
This makes me wonder if my error message may be caused by a bug in WebApp that incorrectly inserts a \n character.
I am operating with a newly purchased AD2PI connected to a newly purchased Raspberry Pi 3 B+ using the 2018-10-14 Raspbian Stretch image from https://www.alarmdecoder.com/wiki/index ... spberry_Pi
Any suggestions?
"Error sending test notification: Invalid header value 'Basic Y...w==\n'"
The notification uses a urlencoded GET with Basic Authorization and without SSL. The device I'm attempting to notify is an ISY-994i home automation controller.
A blog unrelated to AlarmDecoder products identifies the following cause for a similar error ("ValueError: Invalid header value 'Basic T...4=\n'"): "You can't have a new line character \n at the end of your header. Instead of using base64.encodestring, use base64.b64encode."
(see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/398 ... 2-7-update )
This makes me wonder if my error message may be caused by a bug in WebApp that incorrectly inserts a \n character.
I am operating with a newly purchased AD2PI connected to a newly purchased Raspberry Pi 3 B+ using the 2018-10-14 Raspbian Stretch image from https://www.alarmdecoder.com/wiki/index ... spberry_Pi
Any suggestions?