Hello, I am getting a constant dribble of expander and relay messages. I have tried to disable the expanders and relays but the messages still dribble in every few seconds and fill up my log file...Please advise. I am using the ad2usb with a vista 15 panel. Thanks in advance!
!>Keypad Address (19) :>
!>Code (0000) :>
!Zone Expanders Y/N Max allowed: 01
!>expander module #01 ZN 09-16 (N) :>N
!>expander module #02 ZN 17-24 (N) :>N
!>expander module #03 ZN 25-32 (N) :>N
!>expander module #04 ZN 33-40 (N) :>N
!>expander module #05 ZN 41-48 (N) :>N
!Relay Modules Y/N Max allowed: 04
!>relay module #01 (N) :>N
!>relay module #02 (N) :>N
!>relay module #03 (N) :>N
!>relay module #04 (N) :>N
!Reading configuration.
!UART init.
[010000011000--------],008,[f700009f1008000c2c020000000000],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"
[010000011000--------],008,[f700009f1008000c2c020000000000],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"
[010000011000--------],008,[f700009f1008000c2c020000000000],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"
[010000011000--------],008,[f700009f1008000c2c020000000000],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"
[010000011000--------],008,[f700009f1008000c2c020000000000],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"