by trialnerror » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:57 pm
I've got an ADT panel too and am just installing an AD2Pi. I hadn't gotten to the point of testing alarms when last night I had an unexpected test of the fire alarm with some smokey cooking. The system did email me an alert.
I have a notification called "Fire" which I've got set to trigger on notification events "A fire is detected" and "A zone has faulted", with the triggering zones set to my smoke & heat zones. One of the smoke zones triggered. The message in the AD log was type "FIRE", with the message "There is a fire! [hh:mm:ssPM Day mm/dd/yy]" (note, I hacked my messages to include times). The email out worked and had the same message. There was no indication in the AD logs which zone tripped.
I'm guessing that "A fire is detected", rather than "A zone has faulted" is how the panel responds, so that's the message I got rather than a typical zone fault message. For the burglar alarm the corresponding notification is likely "Alarm system is triggered" and it probably behaves similarly. When you set up the notification, did you try the "Save and Test" button? That can help sort out email config problems. As part of testing I'll set up another notification that only goes on a zone fault, and see if that triggers a message on which zone is problematic. It's possible that the alarm overrides the zone reporting so you won't see it in AD; testing will tell.
On my ADT panel, the offending detector did display as the alarm was going off (so I knew it was my cooking). Pressing your "off" code once silences the alarm, but leaves the zones that tripped in the display. Pressing "off" again should reset the system to normal mode. Since the AD keypad mirrors what's on the ADT display, I would think you could do the same from there.