You can adjust the variables retryinterval_sec (socket timeout on a send attempt) and finaltimeout_sec (how long to keep attempting to send) as you see fit. If a send finally times out, it will post the error in the App Log.
I'm not submitting this as a pull request to the developers because it doesn't address the issue in a particularly clean way, or for all notifiers. After posting I'm going to alter my sig to appropriately disclaim "I am not a programmer".
- Code: Select all
class EmailNotification(BaseNotification):
def __init__(self, obj):
BaseNotification.__init__(self, obj)
self.source = obj.get_setting('source')
self.destination = obj.get_setting('destination')
self.subject = obj.get_setting('subject')
self.server = obj.get_setting('server')
self.port = obj.get_setting('port', default=25)
self.tls = obj.get_setting('tls', default=False)
self.ssl = obj.get_setting('ssl', default=False)
self.authentication_required = obj.get_setting('authentication_required', default=False)
self.username = obj.get_setting('username')
self.password = obj.get_setting('password')
self.suppress_timestamp = obj.get_setting('suppress_timestamp',default=False)
def send(self, type, text):
message_timestamp = time.ctime(time.time())
message_timestamp = " [" +"%I:%M:%S%p %Z %a %m/%d/%y") + "]" #bwm
if self.suppress_timestamp == False:
text = text + "\r\n\r\nMessage sent at " + message_timestamp + "."
if check_time_restriction(self.starttime, self.endtime):
msg = MIMEText(text)
if self.suppress_timestamp == False:
self.subject = self.subject + " (" + message_timestamp + ")"
msg['Subject'] = self.subject
msg['From'] = self.source
recipients = re.split('\s*;\s*|\s*,\s*', self.destination)
msg['To'] = ', '.join(recipients)
def sendthread(self, sself, caller_app, recipients, msg, message_timestamp):
s = None
retryinterval_sec = 60*1 #set as you see fit
finaltimeout_sec = retryinterval_sec * 5 #set as you see fit
timeout_exception = False
other_exception = False
numretries = int(finaltimeout_sec/retryinterval_sec)
for x in range(numretries):
timeout_exception = False
other_exception = False
# Since AD won't catch any exceptions in this separate thread, put everything
# important in the try loop and catch so a warning can be sent to the AD log file.
if sself.ssl:
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(sself.server, sself.port, timeout=retryinterval_sec)
s = smtplib.SMTP(sself.server, sself.port, timeout=retryinterval_sec)
if sself.tls and not sself.ssl:
if sself.authentication_required:
s.login(str(sself.username), str(sself.password))
s.sendmail(sself.source, recipients, msg.as_string())
except socket.timeout:
errinfo = sys.exc_info()
timeout_exception = True
errinfo = sys.exc_info()
other_exception = True
if (other_exception is True) or (timeout_exception is False):
if (timeout_exception is True) or (other_exception is True):
caller_app.logger.error('Notification Email send failed: '
+ msg['Subject'] + ' '
+ message_timestamp + ' ('
+ str(errinfo[0]) + '; '
+ str(errinfo[1]) + ')')