To get the pre-built 2016-04-29 image up and running on my RPi 3 using wifi to connect to my network required a couple of mods. First, updated wifi network and password in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf adding the lines:
ssid="network name"
psk="network password"
Then I disabled ipv6, so that I could get an IP on my network by creating a file /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf with the line:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
The RPi 3 rebooted, got an IP, and was made available at https://alarmdecoder.local. The webapp starts as advertised and I went through the setup for notifications and set the panel address to the enabled available 18. All of that works, but the keypad does not seem to be commanding (i.e., gets status messages, but cannot send arm/disarm commands) and only the "opening device" diagnostic test is successful, all others time out. Log file shows alarmdecoder device opening and closing and also shows manual arms/disarms made from the hardwired panel. I also enabled addresses 19 and 20, tried again on the webapp, but no joy.
Any suggestions? Thanks for any help.