by aficustree » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:28 pm
Sorry, for some reason it didn't email me like it usually does. Feel free to use the GitHub issues tracker as I tend to be on GitHub way more frequently. Anyways, I apologize but I don't quite understand what AlarmDecoder is doing here. Looking at the logs it looks like zone 5 and 6 are faulted while it's reporting that 026 is in alarm on the text log. Then once you clear it, suddenly its now reporting 26 as faulted. The code as-written assumes that alarmdecoder would report it as a faulted zone. I think this is actually an issue with alarm decoders library or I'm making an invalid assumption. Is anyone from the alarmdecoder watching that could comment on what the expected behavior should be? Do i need to parse the text string to pick up smoke/fire alarms, if so, what's the point of passing it as a faulted zone only after it's cleared (and even then, what looks to be only momentarily)?
Also, could you double check to make sure your webUI libraries are updated? I can't test as my system doesn't have the fire/carbon system wired into it (indeed i have no idea where those cables are; a project for another day)