I have modified the SmartThings code to allow users to arm Ademco panels to Stay "Instant," which disables the entry delay. We use this for our home at night.
What's included:
AlarmDecoder UI has an extra button, for Stay Instant.
The AlarmDecoder Service has an extra configuration page that allows you to select if you want a "Normal" stay or an "Instant" stay when you arm to Stay via SHM.
Stay Instant push device and Stay Instant Status device are created. In my case, arming Stay via SHM is setup to do a "Normal" stay, but my Bedtime routine sets Stay Instant by pushing the Stay Instant button/device.
If there is any interest in this, I could possibly expand it to include Night and Maximum modes. I don't know if these modes exist for DSC panels or what the keys would be. If they do, it could possibly be expanded to DSC panels.
Modified code is branched/forked here:
Hope this is useful to someone.