I've had my AD2USB 2.2 for several years now, I bought it near the time when I got my house.
I have had no issues with it aside from the panel I had wasn't compatable. Very old Ademco Panel.
I could send commands to the panel and arm/disarm the alarm from the AD2USB and everything was fine for the time being.
Recently I upgraded the firmware to version 2.2a.6 and tried to connect it to my older ademco panel to it for giggles to see if it worked any better. I only spent maybe 15minutes try to see if I could get it to connect, but had no luck and its been 2 or so years since I even had everything running so I tossed it aside till my new Vista 20P panel came.
Well that day was last night, I wired up the 20P, connected power and my AD2USB an I figured I'd be off to the races.
I haven't had much luck with my Physical Keypad, its an older model and I may just replace it with something newer to ease of programming the Vista 20p.
This is where I decided to see if I could get AD2USB working to program my panel with, or atleast see a status..
When I connect via the Keypad app, it opens the comm port, then times out checking the version. then sits idle waiting for first message.
Most of the time reading config from the AD2* fails and nothing is updated, I know it works when it reports back its assigned to Panel 2
I cannot upload a config to the AD2 as it causes the Keypad app to crash, Ive tried severl times.
When I open up putty and hop over to the COM port ( it started with 3, i've tried bumping it around to 8 and 10) and speed of 15200 I am able to connect.
Half the time it accepts the V or = commands for version and reboot. Half the time it does nothing.
When I do get data back (version or a reboot and boot prompt) most of the text is garbbled, alot of extended ascii chars and garbage ends up being display in the putty window.
Am I just getting bad power from the new Vista 20P? is there a bad or corrupt flash on my AD2? is there a communications break on my Home security server that this is install on?
Thank you very much