- The AlarmDecoder GUI program is designed to create a realistic keypad interface to your alarm using the AlarmDecoder device. The program will run on Linux, OSX, Windows and other operating systems that support C# and Gtk.
- For Windows the installer will add these automatically. For OSX and Linux these may need to be installed manually
- .Net or Mono
- Windows http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718
- Linux/OSX/Other http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page
- Gtk#
- Windows: http://download.xamarin.com/GTKforWindows/Windows/gtk-sharp-2.12.22.msi
- Linux: The easiest way is to install Monodevelop
- For the AD2USB version of the AlarmDecoder a usb driver is needed
- http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm
- On most Linux distributions the FTDI driver will already be installed
- Download the Windows installer now md5:acbf7ce94661f6e2907ab4a44111de0c
- Includes ftdi drivers and Gtk#
- Some systems may require .Net http://www.nutech.com/images/fbfiles/files/dotnetfx40.exe
- Download the Linux installer now md5:53b093f9ee0addaef85c30e909e6a914
- Download the OSX installer now
- Download the Windows installer now md5:acbf7ce94661f6e2907ab4a44111de0c
- When you run the program for the first time you will need to set the configuration to communicate with your AD2* device. You can do that from within the program in the "System Menu" or by directly editing the text config files mysettings.conf or alarmdecodergui.exe.config . The application must be restarted in order for config file changes to take effect.